RXi Displays

The RXi Display connects people and machines by combining the latest in touchscreen technology, widescreen display, modern design, high durability, and superior power in an ultra-slim package designed for the factory floor. The result enables quicker, smarter decisions based on real-time visualization.

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PACSystems* RXi Controller

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.

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VersaMax* Controllers

Powerful and Reliable. VersaMax controllers provide powerful, reliable operation. Designed to minimize costs, these versatile controllers are easy to use and support and offer a wide range of I/O expansion modules and communications options.

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PAC8000 SafetyNet

PAC8000 SafetyNet is a compact and cost-effective functional safety system for Emergency Shut Down, Fire & Gas and Burner Management applications. If standard IO is mounted on the SafetyNet node, it can be used as a tightly integrated control and safety system.

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90-30 to RX3i Full Conversion

A fast and easy path to the Industrial Internet

Future-proof your system for greater flexibility.
Leverage the power of the industrial internet and benefit from higher speed, higher performance and much greater efficiency in managing distributed assets. GE is providing tighter process control through faster components, simple plug-and-play connections and precision network-based data management tools that are built to stand the test of time.

If you’re relying on obsolete machines and consignment parts to keep your systems up and running, then it’s time to start planning proactively. Prevent unexpected failure and costly downtime with a comprehensive migration strategy from the GE Intelligent Platform Services team. From assessment to implementation our team can fully assist you with system hardware upgrades.

What’s your migration plan?
It all starts with a site assessment. Our team will come out to evaluate your setup, define scope and strategy and give you detailed recommendations toward a plan of action. The GE services team acts as your eyes and ears, as part of your team, to plan, initiate and implement installation with as little disruption as possible. An automation system migration can usually be executed in as little as two hours, often while keeping operations on-line. GE has created migration tools like automated application conversion that were designed specifically to provide a rapid granular overview of system architecture and allow for a rapid transition to new technology.



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