RXi Displays

The RXi Display connects people and machines by combining the latest in touchscreen technology, widescreen display, modern design, high durability, and superior power in an ultra-slim package designed for the factory floor. The result enables quicker, smarter decisions based on real-time visualization.

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PACSystems* RXi Controller

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.

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VersaMax* Controllers

Powerful and Reliable. VersaMax controllers provide powerful, reliable operation. Designed to minimize costs, these versatile controllers are easy to use and support and offer a wide range of I/O expansion modules and communications options.

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PAC8000 SafetyNet

PAC8000 SafetyNet is a compact and cost-effective functional safety system for Emergency Shut Down, Fire & Gas and Burner Management applications. If standard IO is mounted on the SafetyNet node, it can be used as a tightly integrated control and safety system.

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ControlST Software

Control, Monitoring, and Protection Software Suite

controlstGE’s advanced ControlST software suite provides the foundation for the Mark* VIe Control System in a wide range of applications, including thermal, nuclear, oil and gas, wind, solar, and hydroelectric power. These diverse applications include the control, monitoring, and protection of everything from turbine-generators to entire plants.

Combining the best attributes of rotating machinery control with balance-of-plant control, the ControlST software suite offers flexible tools with a common time-coherent dataset to simplify operation and reduce lifecycle cost. In addition, it supports the latest model-based control technology derived from GE’s thermodynamic design models to deliver the performance, operability, and reliability needed in today’s connected world.

ControlST integrates vital data throughout the plant, including data from external systems that would otherwise be unavailable, and presents it in a meaningful context, reducing system costs. Armed with the right information at the right time, engineers can more effectively analyze process trends and adjust control software, operators can more quickly respond to alarms and operational disruptions, and maintenance teams can pinpoint problem areas, react proactively, and keep processes online.

The ControlST software suite includes several high-performance tools:

  • WorkstationST* HMI and Historian management software
  • ToolboxST* configuration and diagnostic software
  • CIMPLICITY* graphics tools
  • other packages for efficient plant-wide communications, monitoring, and asset management
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