RXi Displays

The RXi Display connects people and machines by combining the latest in touchscreen technology, widescreen display, modern design, high durability, and superior power in an ultra-slim package designed for the factory floor. The result enables quicker, smarter decisions based on real-time visualization.

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PACSystems* RXi Controller

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.

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VersaMax* Controllers

Powerful and Reliable. VersaMax controllers provide powerful, reliable operation. Designed to minimize costs, these versatile controllers are easy to use and support and offer a wide range of I/O expansion modules and communications options.

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PAC8000 SafetyNet

PAC8000 SafetyNet is a compact and cost-effective functional safety system for Emergency Shut Down, Fire & Gas and Burner Management applications. If standard IO is mounted on the SafetyNet node, it can be used as a tightly integrated control and safety system.

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Posts Tagged ‘Operator Interfaces’:

QuickPanel View

QuickPanel View

Operator interface for machine OEMs and industrial applications The QuickPanel View combines a bright touch-screen display, multiple communications options, and Proficy* View – Machine Edition software...
Published on: Okt 04 2015
By: hansen
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Operator Interface for the Industrial Internet. Streamline your system Simplify development and maintenance with one powerful device for operator interface (OI) and control. The multi-functional QuickPanel+...
Published on: Okt 04 2015
By: hansen
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